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Strategize Your Policy Goals

State and local governments have never been more important in American history.

Whether you’re developing impactful legislation to strengthen the supply chain or modernizing your technologies, connecting with leaders in those fields has never been easier.

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Trusted by 40,000 people in government
Congress Policy Media Federal Government
Empower Your Team

Connect with CIOs across the country, strategize with policymakers in other states to create centralized messaging, and develop relationships with companies in the area you represent.

Save research time with detailed profiles of elected officials, chiefs of staff, city managers, CFOs, IT decision-makers, appointees, attorneys general, police chiefs, state legislators and city council members, department heads, and many more.

Case Study

Problem: A policy analyst in the Texas Legislature could only connect with coworkers present in a hardcover copy of an old directory.

Solution: Leadership Connect opened up access to policy makers in the federal government, state and local agencies, and companies based in the Senator’s district.

Intergovernmental and Private Sector Connections

Advance Your Office and Your Career

Keep Up With Your Counterparts in the Federal Government

Outcomes and oversight are needed when money flows from the federal government to state and local governments. Build relationships in advance with the exact decision-maker before the budget or initiative hits your desk.

  • See where someone falls in the organization, pointing you to the correct contact
  • Build relationships with longstanding employees to become an expert in your issue area
  • Visualize how the money is being spent in each agency for oversight

Be in the Intergovernmental “Know”

Intergovernmental collaboration momentum brings governments into a new era of serving the citizen. Work more closely with your state government officials, from the Governor’s Office to the health organizations that help you help your constituency.

  • Discover and build cross-agency relationships with leaders
  • Develop a strategy for growth in your state
  • Impact on future policies across the government

Connect With the Top Business Leaders in the Private Sector

Companies are moving to new locations in towns large and small, changing local economies and impacting the communities.

  • Strengthen relationships with existing companies in your jurisdiction
  • Identify the Movers & Shakers that benefit from your policies
  • Learn from the source of new technologies as they expand into the state and local governments
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